Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Hawk and the Nightingale

Aesop's Fables, translated by Laura Gibbs (2002)

Perry 4 (Hesiod, Works and Days 202 ff.)
This is how the hawk addressed the dapple-throated nightingale as he carried her high into the clouds, holding her tightly in his talons. As the nightingale sobbed pitifully, pierced by the hawk's crooked talons, the hawk pronounced these words of power, 'Wretched creature, what are you prattling about? You are in the grip of one who is far stronger than you, and you will go wherever I may lead you, even if you are a singer. You will be my dinner, if that's what I want, or I might decide to let you go.'
It is a foolish man who thinks he can oppose people who are more powerful he is: he will be defeated in the contest, suffering both pain and humiliation.

So I have been trying to come up with a “name” for my self and my husband to use on my blog.  I don’t know why it matters, I could use our real names and really would any one know???  BUT, it seems more fun to try and find names that have a meaning, even if the meaning only makes sense to me. LOL So I am finding my own message in the fable of The Hawk and the Nightingale 

The Nightingale must give in to the power of the Hawk and go where ever he leads, maybe he will eat her, maybe he will let her go, he may just carry her with him and listen to her sing…The Hawk is in charge, fighting and resisting the Hawk will only lead to defeat, pain and humiliation…

So, I am calling my husband Hawk, and for my self I am choosing Jenna which means small bird.
Yeah…I’m a dork


  1. Hi Jenna...and Hawk. I just found you. Hope it is okay if I come back and read again. Welcome to blogging!

  2. Hi Jenna! I look forward to reading more :)

  3. Susie
    I love your blog and I am so happy you found mine. Is is ok if you come back and read???? LOL...seriously, I'm still shocked that any one HAS stopped bye. I used to read blogs A LOT, and I was at Learning DD almost every day commenting, under the name "Newbie". But I just had to step away for a few months and get a grip on my self. I just miss the support of the community so much, so I thought I'd try this and see how it goes. Thanks for stopping bye

    Thanks for commenting and stopping bye! I have been to your blog on quite a few occasions, and commented here or there. You have a great blog!

    Nice to meet cha. I have not read your blog, but I will make sure to come bye and say hello. Thanks for the welcome :)
